Flashback — Control Freak
We go through phases. I’ve been through mine. This one’s from one of the darker ones. It’s a poem, slam style. It’s from a younger, and still somehow older and more jaded version of me. It reminds me of what I have been through. Who I’ve been. All I can say is that I’m glad to have reached here. To a quiet place in Simpli City.
So I’m a control freak
Now that we have that out of the way
Let’s see what control freaks want
I want to know how things go
I want to have a say in how things change
I want to be able to predict
My today and tomorrow and the day after that
And if I can’t, if there are surprises
I want to be able to deal with them
I want to be able to survive them
Because life as I know it is crazy enough
Everything else outside of this little circle of mine
Is their world that I do not seek to change
That’s all I want out of life
That’s all the control I care for
But even I’ve found is too much to ask
I am a control freak
And I feel like I am surrounded
By people who want a say in who I am
My idea of control has always been about me
I’ve let everyone else be
My significant others and the insignificant others
I’ve accepted and weaved through
The myriad eccentricities and quirks
Of the fellow animals I share this cage with
I have always lived and let live
Never tried to change or judge
But the world knows no reciprocity
It takes but does not give
It demands kindnesses, but does not appreciate
I ask for nothing but to be left alone
But loneliness is too precious a gift in our crowded world
I am a control freak
But I just try to control what I do
They, they want to control everything
My thoughts, my decisions
My beliefs, my perspectives
My faith or the lack of it
My past and what I feel about it
My present and how I deal with it
My future and how I plan to shape it
My dreams or my stubborn insistence on trying to make them true
They want me to change, and everyone like me
They want me to become them, everyone to become them
But I want to be me, I want to stay me
I want to fight them as they try to change me
Maybe, I can try to change them to be like me
But even in that twisted desire, I have already become them
I am a control freak
And I’ve spent a lifetime fighting
I have fought for my causes and those of others
I have fought for my right to just live a simple life
Not hurtful, not offensive
Not intrusive, and not even threateningly flamboyant
A quiet life filled with simple decisions that are mine
A quiet life filled with a sense of my identity
Because the moment I give up that control
I feel them taking it up, and it’s not just the voices in my head
I feel them nudging me along the beaten track
I feel them convincing me with wisdom that is conventional
I feel them berating me with sense that is common
I feel them, all the time, trying to tell me what I’m doing wrong
I feel more and more of them
And I feel less and less of me
I am a control freak
But there is only so much I can fight for control
Before all that is left is the freak
I can shrug away the need for conformity or social acceptance
Or the mere nod of normalcy or even mediocrity that we crave
That absolves us of the dreadful outcast badge
That tells us that we are doing the right thing
Because hey, millions have done it before
I can’t seem to understand that logic
I can’t connect with that divine vision of theirs
I can’t even play along or act dumb
My shock at their one-size-fits-all approach
Is writ large on my damned face
And it gives me away to them
And that is how they found out
That I was a control freak
I was a control freak
But I’ve given up
As grey streaks race through my hair
And crow’s feet claw their way around my eyes
I take a deep breath and look back on me
The me that was a control Freak
I wish he had won
I wish he had given up
I wish he had been different
I wish he had been the same
Life might have been kinder or just more mundane
And like all things boring and strife free
It would have left him without breaking his spirit
So that in those fleeting moments before he woke up
He would feel something real and truly believe
That he could indeed control everything